A CODE to Leading - human resources, human capital, talent, and organizations.

A CODE is the acronym for the Acquisition, Compensation, Organization, Development and Environment of people.  A CODE is an integrated system in that, if the best talent is acquired, compensated well, working in an effective organization, with a lot of training/development, but the environment is poor - the entire system fails.  The Acquisition of talent is the most critical and therefore, is at the beginning of the system.  A CODE is a formula and/or template with which human resource strategy can be developed.

Succession Planning Key Elements

Business Strategy - The foundation of a Succession Plan.

Successor Competencies - Identify competencies for now and in the future in alignment with business strategy.

Replacement Plan - Who is ready now, ready in the future, and an emergency replacement.

Development Plan - Methodically manage and nurture the talent pipeline.

High Potential Plan - Confidentially identify and develop high potentials.  High Potentials can change quickly.

Acquisition Plan - Acquire talent at all levels where needed.  Hire in alignment with business strategy.

Divesture Plan - Respectfully move aside or remove barriers in the talent pipeline.

Formula for Safety Performance

LC^3P = Formula for Safety Performance

L = Leadership (Personal leadership from employee. Supervisor and executive leadership.)

C = Compliance  (Training.)

C = Communication  (Two-way discussion. Shared real-time information. Relationship between employee/employee and employee/supervisor.)

C = Conditioning   (Physical, mental, emotional conditioning.)

P = Prevention (Detailed human performance and root cause analysis.  Where is next injury going to occur?)